收录了中国古代历史的相关条目。 作者:白鸽男孩
英汉细菌名称词典包含了18000多个专业词条。 作者:Jacob Yan
简介:The Ukrainian-English Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investments, Bank Loans. © 2003, S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 12,500 entries. 作者:eudic
汽车制造业相关词汇。 词库作者:中国神龙汽车有限公司。
This comprehensive English-German dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling. 作者:Babylon Ltd
Endocrinologie; Hematologie; Hepato-Gastro-Enterologie; ORL; Pneumonogie 词库作者:Thomas FASSIER, Germain DILLENSEGER, 第二医科大学00级法文班。
マイペディア(My Pedia)は、平凡社が出版する百科事典。書籍一冊で完結するコンパクトな百科事典である。 作者:Hitachi Systems and Services Ltd.
This comprehensive Greek-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc. 作者:Babylon Ltd
Naver 일본어사전 offline version 作者:Subarashi, ziyuang
收录了西方各种宗教、神话、传说等相关条目。 作者:白鸽男孩