The CEDICT project started by Paul Denisowski. It aims to provide a complete Chinese to English dictionary with pronunciation in pinyin for the Chinese characters. 作者:Paul Andrew Denisowski
This is English-Russian Short Dictionary,More infos about Dictionaries Project at http://www.eudic.net 这是一本英俄词典,更多词典字库信息,敬请关注 http://www.eudic.net 作者:Eudic
简介: 作者:Chul-woo Pak
日本百科全书,收录词条三万多条,兼收古代写法和现代写法。 作者:白鸽男孩
《GRE词汇精选》被广大G族亲切地称为“红宝书”,自首版以来一直深受广大考生青睐,迄今为止已改版七次,是一本久经考验的GRE词汇精品书。凡是GRE考过的重要单词都尽收其中。目前的这个版本收录了迄今为止GRE考试的全部重要词汇,不但顾及了GRE常考的类比、反义词,而且还收录了常考的GRE填空单词和阅读单词,每一个收录的单词都经过精心挑选,看似很厚的书其实并不累赘。 作者:俞敏洪
简介:The Comprehensive English-Russian Scientific and Technical Dictionary. © RUSSO, 1997. 200,000 words and expressions. This Dictionary is the first attempt in Russian lexicography to provide an all-encompassing snapshot of the current British, American, and Russian terminology related to technology and applied sciences. The Dictionary was compiled by a large team of experts specializing in various areas of scientific knowledge and technical translation. The authors and the publisher did their best to include as many terms as possible. Detailed entries have labels indicating to which branch of science or technology the given meaning belongs. In some cases, the most typical collocations are given. Headwords are either verbs or nouns. Adjectives can be found in the corresponding noun entries. 作者:RUSSO
拉鲁斯法法词典增强版 权威详实的法法词典。由Hakey整理排版。
简介:Database based on Prodict 2007 of EconTech. 作者:Binh An Tran