1. 本「岩土专业英汉词匯」总共收纳了六千五百多条岩土专业术语和词匯,这些术语和词匯按英文字母顺序编排。 2. 若英文词语有两个或以上含意相近的中文翻译,这些中文翻译之间用逗号隔开。 例如:bulking 体胀,胀大 3. 若英文词语有两个或以上的中文翻译,不同含意的中文翻译之间用分号隔开。 例如:fill 填方,填土;填料;填塞 4. 若英文词语可译成不同的中文字,可替代的字放入方括号内。 例如:oscillograph 示波仪[器] 5. 若词语於上文下理提示不足时,可能显得过於省略不易明白,可加入括号内之文字。 例如:meteoric water 大气(降)水 6. 在一些不常用的词语前,应用该词语的范围和领域标明在中文翻译前边的圆括号内。 例如:pinhole test (分散性土) 针孔试验 作者:Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Civil Engineering and Development Building (Hong Kong)
英汉建筑大词典包含了113000多个词条。 作者:StarDict Project
简介:The Comprehensive English-Russian Scientific and Technical Dictionary. © RUSSO, 1997. 200,000 words and expressions. This Dictionary is the first attempt in Russian lexicography to provide an all-encompassing snapshot of the current British, American, and Russian terminology related to technology and applied sciences. The Dictionary was compiled by a large team of experts specializing in various areas of scientific knowledge and technical translation. The authors and the publisher did their best to include as many terms as possible. Detailed entries have labels indicating to which branch of science or technology the given meaning belongs. In some cases, the most typical collocations are given. Headwords are either verbs or nouns. Adjectives can be found in the corresponding noun entries. 作者:RUSSO
This is Polytechnical Ukrainian-Russian Dictionary,More infos about Dictionaries Project at http://www.eudic.net 这是一本乌克兰语-俄语词典,更多词典字库信息,敬请关注 http://www.eudic.net 作者:Eudic
中建特色词汇库 由中建阿尔及利亚公司翻译委员会开发制作
This is Polytechnical Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary,More infos about Dictionaries Project at http://www.eudic.net 这是一本俄语-乌克兰语词典,更多词典字库信息,敬请关注 http://www.eudic.net 作者:Eudic
a glossary containing terms and definitions related to petroleum industry esp. upstream sector 作者:Parmanand Thakur